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Thursday, September 3, 2009

- Refuse stress! Miss the bus rather than run!
- Learn a relaxation technique and use it once a week at least.
- Drink lots of water all the time.
- Eat and drink healthily every day. Take special treats only on weekends. If you easily gain weight: eat SMALL portions.
- Choose an exercise technique that suits you, and practice it once a week at least.
- Go to a professional masseur once a month at the very very least. Or exchange services with your partner or friend, read a book about massage and practice it.
- Sleep enough and well. (The most common reason to sleeping problems is lack of exercise.)
- Get to know yourself, and realize you are worth a good life.
- Look around you - what can be changed in your life and your environment to make you feel better?
- Keep developing - learn new things, try different paths in life.
- Be good to yourself. Let ambition rest sometimes.
- Think positive thoughts about other people and wish them well!
- Do things that you love. Enjoy life!
These are really some great tips for a healthy lifestyle. I think one of the most significant aspects to living a healthy lifestyle is your diet. So you must take care of it.
Acai Berry
I really like these tips.I can see feasibility to adopt these tips.They are simple and easy.I hope it works !
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Best Wishes
Himanshu Gupta